Missing Elements of Parenting

 Anyone can have a child and call themselves “a parent”. What really matters is being a real parent instead of being a perfect parent because real is all that matters. A corporeal parent is someone who puts an adolescent above their own selfish needs and wants. A real parent acknowledges the elements of parenting. Here we’ll discuss the five important parenting elements:


  • Communication

It is really important to talk and listen to your child as it improves your bond with them. As the bond gets stronger, children feel comfortable enough to share their feelings with their parents. They expect their parents to respond sensitively not only to good things but all kinds of things including embarrassment, frustration and fear. Sometimes, they avoid talking due to some awkwardness but a father or a mother should be smart enough to interpret their body language or abnormal actions as actions speak louder than words and then they should behave accordingly.




  • Respecting Your Little One

Respect contains a triangular relationship. We expect children to respect their parents but on the other hand, it’s important to acknowledge that children deserve to be respected as well so that they can value themselves. When you earn your child’s respect they eventually learn to respect themselves. Parents should support and encourage their children in order to let their self-esteem improve. Most of the parents vent out their frustration and anger on their little ones, they beat them up on little mistakes which hurts their self-esteem and they might end up having increased anxiety, aggression or psychological issues.


  • The Guide

Most of the parents order their children to opt for academic fields as per their demand. Even before the child is born, they decide whether they would want their baby to become a doctor or an engineer and they believe that they are guiding them for their own betterment. Whereas parents should “actually” guide their children and instead of ordering them on what to do, they should support their children and help them follow their dreams. Children need wisdom and thinking ability. However, the youth should be guided and explained about the outcomes of their dangerous choices and appropriate limits should be set for their use of technology.



  • The Welfare Of A Child

It’s important for parents to assist their child and give them time. They should plan some outing on the weekends, reading out to their child or maybe watching a cartoon movie with them. They should appreciate even the little amount of hard work done by their children and encourage them to do better the next time when they face failure instead of discouraging them. Couples should avoid fighting in front of their little ones. Enjoy meaningful relationships with your family, be caring and compassionate, and have a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. In order to develop the well-being of your child, be productive, responsible and have patience.

Loving your child by simply just telling them that you love them is easy, but proving it to them by your actions is what really matters. Loving them too much won’t spoil them. Show them your love. After all, they are your children and all they need is your attention.