Momina Mustehsan’s Heartfelt Letter For Anam Tanoli.

After the tragic passing of model Anam Tanoli at her home in Lahore, Pakistani media industry was left shaken. A significant number of them approached and began spreading messages keeping in mind the end goal to influence individuals to comprehend the seriousness of the issue and even imparted their own accounts of battling to depression and nervousness. Momina Mustehsan, the singing sensation, composed a genuine and passionate letter to the late model.

Momina Mustehsan took social media to talk over this issue as she posted her photo on Instagram and stated, “This is a picture of me from when I was going through turmoil not very long ago. It happens to the best of us. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and we all hit points in our lives sometimes when all seems to be falling out of our control.”

The Nawazishein Karam vocalist acknowledging Anam composed, “Dear Anam, I’m sorry you had to give up. I’m sorry I didn’t understand the intensity of how much you were hurting. I know you were trying your best to be positive and you were a champ. I was super proud of how far you had come in the 9 years I had known you and the person you had grown to become. I swear you had the strength to keep fighting back, staying strong, and standing tall. But you just needed to hear more of that from the people around you, a little more often.”

She included that the immense use of social media has prompted unavoidable suppositions and “hate speech” from outsiders. ‘Fortunately or unfortunately, with the growth of social media, random people’s uncalled-for opinions and hate speech make their way to us. Now more than ever, we need to learn to love and value ourselves, and KNOW our own selves and our own worth, so that peoples opinions of us don’t get to us and impact our perception of ourselves.’

Pointing at the trolls, she additionally said, “Let people be. Give them the right to be human sometimes. Give them the liberty to make those occasional mistakes. Because without that, no one can ever learn or grow. Reflect and focus your energies on fixing and working on yourself more than scrutinizing, judging and putting others down.”

She asked everybody to quit tormenting and hate speech, requesting that individuals stand firm against it rather than being an observer.

Sharing a message for the victims of depression, Mustehsan stated, “Reach out. Speak up. Love and value yourself. Never feel trapped and caged that you find the need to want to escape. Every person is unique, every person is special. Every person matters.”

She added details of her own battle. “I consider myself a fairly positive person and most people have always seen me smiling and full of excitement. I’ve spoken about dealing with depression in the past and overcoming it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have moments of weakness.”

“A few months ago, I went through a phase of emotional turmoil. We all hit that occasional roadblock. Please remember to remind yourself of all the goodness and little joys you have in your life. And remember, the only opinion of you that really should matter is your own. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion define or affect you, or become your reality. Easier said than done, but I promise you it’s possible.”

What are your thoughts over this letter to Anam? Share with us in the comments below!