More Cases of HIV Detected in Pakistan

HIV has spread from Sindh to Balochistan.

In Balochistan’s prison, 29 prisoners have been tested for HIV which came out to be positive. A total of 2,300 prisoners were tested out of which 29 were suffering from HIV. After Sindh, this has reached Balochistan as well. This is a very alarming situation for the government and the people too.

The Balochistan AIDS Control Programme was responsible for screening people and from different jails in Balochistan, a total of 2,300 prisoners were screened. The 29 prisoners who were HIV positive were mostly drug addicts and this disease spread among them due to the use of syringes. 24 prisoners are in Central Jail of Gadani, four are in District Jail Quetta and the remaining one is located in District Jail of Loralai.

They can’t reverse the effects of the disease. However, proper treatment is being given to the prisoners. They are getting the required medications to tackle this.

There needs to be check and balance in prisons because things like syringes and drugs should not be provided to the prisons in the first place. Strict measures should be taken and prisoners who are addicts need to be sent to rehab in order to overcome this addiction. These basic measures will be beneficial in saving lives and maintaining the overall environment inside prisons.