New Military Operations Begin in Yemen

Yemen, a country that has been under war since 2014, when Houthis took over Sanaa. New Military Operations have begun in the area, which means even more deaths.

Yemen has been under great stress and crisis for a very long time. With wars and famines, the country’s economic, social and political conditions have been worsening only. And with the current on-going war, which has been going on since 2015, it is on the brink of being finished completely. Saudi Government has a solid back of the US forces, whereas the Houthis are being backed by Iran in the region. It goes for arms and for monetary help, both.

On Wednesday, Saudi-led forces attacked different parts of Yemen. Along with the capital Sanaa, other provinces were air-raided by Saudia. This has resulted in death of an elderly lady along with a child, whereas four other people have been left wounded. The air raid was a response to the air-strikes carried out by Yemen, in Saudia’s capital, Riyadh.

The conditions of Yemen is the worst all around the world. People are already dying in Yemen because of famine. Over that, COVID-19 is killing people all around the world, including Yemen. On top of that, if Yemen engages in war, it would finish in less than a couple of years. It is high time, that people help the country rather than fighting their proxy wars in the region.

Already, the world organizations have requested people to fund organizations that have been helping Yemen. 41 organizations had been helping Yemen in terms of food, education, or social services. Nevertheless, the fate of Yemen is yet to be decided.

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