Nurpur’s Latest TVC – Some Traditions Are Forever!

Back in 2016, Nurpur made waves with their TV commercial in Ramadan. It featured many shots of the different Nurpur products – their milk, cheese butter and yogurt – being used to make an array of food and drinks.  The stylistic, close-up videography of the food combined with the soundtrack captivated viewers. Finally, the actress teasingly tasting the products was considered a bold move on their part.

Now they have done it again. Nurpur’s latest TV commercial – as part of their 2018 Ramadan campaign – has once more grabbed our attention.  They have gone back to the roots and essence of their product; this time, the focus wholly on their packaged Full Cream Milk. Every shot in the commercial depicts either the arrangements for, consumption of, or the excitement with regards to food and drink for which milk is a vital ingredient. For example, the commercial begins with children running to the kitchen behind their mother, eager to be involved in making the preparations of what we can assume to be Iftari in the household.

The commercial does lack in making that distinct Ramadan connection for viewers – other than the unmissable glass of Rooh Afza. Perhaps a “Ramadan Mubarak” wish at the end of the video or a background Adhaan before the characters consume their respective drinks would have sufficed in creating that association. Nonetheless, the objective of bringing forth the importance of the milk was definitely achieved. We are able to see the vast array of things that it is used in, and what joy it brings to a typical day. Because as far back as we can remember, milk has enjoyed a staple position in the diets and therefore in the homes of almost every Pakistani family.

Whether to make a bowl of porridge, a plate of French Toast, to make a delicious cup of tea or simply consume it on its own, milk is the constant factor in all these equations brought forth in the TVC. Furthermore, the way each of these things was shot is very appealing; once again, the close-ups make the video satisfying to watch. The special effects are impressive too, where the milk was swirled around, tornado-like, into a cup of tea which was then sipped. Also, the whiteness of the milk stood out in each of the shots, showcasing the fact that it is pure – not to mention, adding to the overall aesthetic. The soft, rhythmic music in the background adds to the cheerful spirit of the setting.

Although comparable, there is an evolution since 2016’s TVC. A layer of emotion is added with the children’s involvement in everything. It generates warm sentiment and perhaps nostalgia for viewers to how milk has been there since their own childhoods. Similarly, their being there in the kitchen reminds us all how it is imperative to ensure safe and hygienic products for our children to consume. Not only for children, but all consumers must be assured of this. At the end of the TVC, Nurpur’s year of inception is highlighted, indicating their longevity in the dairy industry. To add to that, their tagline beautifully states that “some traditions are forever”, emphasising their commitment to providing quality as well as consistency. Because there are indeed many contenders in the packaged milk industry, however, their milk coupled with trusted longstanding practice is a position that Nurpur is enjoying on its own. To conclude, this TVC, shot and executed beautifully, reminds us all that milk is a major ingredient in the recipe to bring us closer together.