Outrage against school due to claims of anti-Pakistan sentiment

A beaconhouse test paper causes outrage against the school.

Another day, another new outrage. #BoycottBeaconHouse has been trending all over Twitter after the image of a test paper appeared with an apparently “anti-Pakistan” question.

Let’s just say, things escalated very quickly in a short period of time.

Students and other relevant personalities are accusing the schooling system of committing treason against Pakistan.  A large number of accounts have come up further highlighting the many cases where our history books have led us astray.

They are blaming India to be behind this, as always, stating that these schools are funded by India and purposely portray a negative image of Pakistan by turning our victories into defeats.


Some even chose to point out issues in our geographic representations.


While others seemed to have a sudden strike of enlightenment and rose against the school’s extra-curricular which, mind you, have been a regular practice for several years now.


Thankfully, there are individuals who realize how absurd, not to mention unnecessary, these protests are. They recognize the importance of teaching our newer generations historically accurate information.