Pakistan and Israel? Never Going to Happen Says PM

Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has stated that Pakistan and Israel will not establish any relations until the Palestine dispute is resolved.

In a recent interview, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has expressed that he has been under considerable pressure to recognize Israel. However, Imran Khan has assured that Pakistan and Israel will never be able to get along until the Palestine issue is solved.

He refused to name the countries that have been pressurizing our state to recognize Israel and stands firm on his decision that Pakistan and Israel shall never establish relations until the Palestinian issue is sorted.

Considering recent events, the UAE and Bahrain have recognized Israel and developed economic and diplomatic relations with the said state. “Let us stand on our own feet in terms of economy, then you may ask these questions,” the prime minister said, referring to Islamabad’s longtime economic dependence on some of the friendly countries.

Moreover, he went on to state that he has no second thoughts about Pakistan and Israel, “I have no second thought to recognize Israel unless there is a just settlement, which satisfies Palestinians,” he claims.

He recalled that Pakistan’s founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, also refused to recognize Israel and did not establish relations with the state. Pakistan, today, will follow in Jinnah’s footsteps and do the same.

He further went onto say that the real problem for the USA is Israel and not Afghanistan. He believes that Israel played a considerable role in Trump’s policies and was one of the reasons states have been pressurizing Pakistan to recognize Israel.

Upon USA’s change in presidency, Imran Khan said, “Afghanistan is not the real issue. The real issue is Israel. It is to be seen how he (Biden) deals with that. Whether he changes Trump’s policies (about Israel) or continues with them. I am not sure about Biden’s policy on Israel, Iran, and Kashmir but I am sure there will be no change in (Washington’s) Afghan policy. The Democrats too want to pull out of Afghanistan,” he contended.

All in all, Prime Minister, Imran Khan has made clear that Pakistan and Israel will never be on civil terms until the Palestine dispute has been sorted.

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