Pakistan’s Response To The Coronavirus Outbusrt

The breakout of the deadly coronavirus has prompted many governments to take major actions to prevent the disease from spreading including Pakistan.

The spread of the deadly coronavirus has prompted many international governments to take extra precautions. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the Pakistani government has also taken extra steps to counteract the spread of the virus.

On Friday, the government has announced the suspension of all flights to and from China. The step is a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the virus in to the country. Flights will continue to remain suspended till the 2nd of February.

PIA has suspended its flight to and from China.


Apart from this announcement, the government has also stated that it will not evacuate any Pakistani citizens from the country as a means of preventing the virus from spreading. The government has stated that the decision was made in accordance with the World Health Organization’s recommendations.

The government has also gone on to assure the rest of the public that it is in full contact with the Pakistani embassy in China and is trying its best to ensure that its citizens remain protected from the coronavirus. Pakistani officials have also gone on to praise the Chinese government for its efforts in helping to contain the virus.

The coronavirus broke out in the city of Wuhan. (Source: Foreign Policy)


The Pakistani government has also emphasized enormously on ensuring the protection of the five hundred students living in the city of Wuhan, were the coronavirus had initially broken. Internationally, governments of many countries have also taken major precautions.

Russia has announced the closure of its border with China in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus into their country. Many other countries such as the UK have suspended their flights to and from China. The Japanese government has also urged its citizens from making any sort of urgent travel to the country. France, on the other hand, ordered the evacuation of two hundred of its citizens. They will be flown to the south of the country where they will be quarantined for fourteen days.

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