Punjab Council of the Arts Launches Online Talent Hunt

The Punjab Council of the Arts has announced an online talent hunt for talent in music, fine arts and creative arts to encourage the youth.

The Punjab Council of the Arts has announced an online talent hunt for talent in music, fine arts and creative arts. They will also be exhibiting the artists’ works online for virtual tours.

Lahore Arts Council

Operations Director Muhammad Abrar Alam stated that the talent hunt was launched to encourage young artists, artisans and intellectuals.

According to the Operations Director, the program will involve several people, including education department and district and divisional heads of arts councils. It will be the directors of the divisional arts councils who will be executing the activities, and thus will be responsible for it.

The talent hunt will be conducted via online exhibitions, talks and performances across various districts of Punjab. The competitions will be held at the district, divisional and provincial levels in the following categories: music, fine arts, crafts, drama and literature.

First, the directors will hold the auditions for the categories at a local level. Then, they will invite the selected candidates to perform at the divisional level. Then the position holders will win the prize money, and encouragement prizes will be given to the competitors.

For the Grand Finale at the provincial level, to be held in Lahore, a mega show will be hosted. The winners will receive the prize money, and the competitors will receive encouragement prizes.

Pakistan National Council of the Arts

The objective is to ensure that the youth is encouraged to pursue their talents in the arts. Most of it is being done online as the country is still going through the COVID-19 pandemic.


Will you or someone you know be participating in the online talent hunt organised by the Punjab Council of the Arts? Let us know in the comments!


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