Rape, Robbery & Murder in Gizri, Karachi.

Four men entered a house and stole many valuable things, moreover raping a girl. Although they are arrested but will the family be served with justice?

Crime was already on the height of its existence in Karachi, Pakistan. People were looted on busy streets and were killed between hundreds of people. That has been the history of Karachi. However, there was an evident decrease in such cases lately, un till lockdown started. And then, when the streets became gloomy, the robbers started taking advantage of the situation again. Once again, mugging has become common, houses are being robbed and people are being raped & killed.


A 25-year-old woman was raped in Upper Gizri, during a house robbery. The woman was forcefully assaulted after the robbers took a handsome amount of cash, cellphones are other valuables from her. She was hit with something blunt as she tried resisting. Scumbbing to her injuries, she passed away while being taken to Jinnah Hospital.

With efforts and the latest technology, the Police were able to solve this ‘blind case’. They have arrested four suspects involved in rape. Moreover, they have recovered mobile phones and around 30,000 Rs cash from the suspects. Those who have been arrested had a criminal record and were listed under different metropolis.

The young woman can’t come back now. She is gone from this unworthy world. However, if there is a lockdown, the Police Forces should be more considerate about such issues. They are well aware that this is more like an opportunity for thieves. Therefore, our police should keep strict checking on the checkpoints, and should keep patrolling in the streets. The security forces are, no doubt, working hard already, but they need to look into such issues as well.

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