Sanam Saeed’s Views On The Surge Of Divorce Rates In Pakistan

Sanam Saeed highlights how women's financial independence fosters zero tolerance for mistreatment in a marriage.

Sanam Saeed recently shared her insights on the surge in divorce rates, attributing it to the evolving dynamics of society. Speaking on behalf of the British Asian Trust, the actress delved into the topic of today’s women,  in a candid conversation with Aamna Haider Isani. 

She dissected the changing dynamics of relationships in the country, pointing out the positive strides made in women’s rights. Today women are more financially independent and know their rights. This was not the practice in the past and women mostly were dependent on men for their financial needs. 

Sanam explained, “Unfortunately divorce rates are higher because there’s no compulsion to stay in a relationship, thinking what would happen to them and where will they go. They will have to stay in a toxic relationship otherwise they’ll be homeless.” 

“The independence is the reason why divorces have become more common because the woman can get up and leave and stand up on her own two feet.” 

Amna added:

The old school will say that women are less tolerant now but the fact is that they are not taking bull**** anymore.

Sanam continued by saying that education plays a major part in this since parents should let their children study rather than rushing them into marriage and even if they do, then there should be a guarantee of letting them complete their education after marriage.

The discussion on the surge in divorce rates sheds light on the evolving landscape of relationships in society. With women becoming more financially independent and empowered, there is a shifting dynamic where individuals are less inclined to stay in unhappy or abusive relationships out of necessity. 

This change reflects a broader societal change where individuals, particularly women, are asserting their autonomy and refusing to tolerate mistreatment. Ultimately, the rise in divorce rates underscores the importance of fostering healthier, more equitable relationships built on mutual respect and understanding.