The Intolerant Pakistani Muslims & Nadeem Masih

Muslims, intolerant of other religions aren't actually following their religion, Islam, properly. Especially not when their intolerant behavior takes an innocent life.

People won’t believe that you are a good Muslim, until you prove to be one. Many ‘Muslims’ in Pakistan are not even following their very own religion. What they do, is neither the words of Allah or the Prophet PBUH. Where Islam teaches one person to be tolerant and loving towards others, there Muslims are killing people and are being intolerant towards them. Not the Islam Prophet PBUH left behind, no.

Recently, Nadeem Joseph, a Christain, bought a house in Peshawar. With a will to live and let others live peacefully, the neighbors weren’t quite happy with that. Salman Khan, Nadeem’s neighbor, wasn’t happy with a non-muslim’s presence in the area. Nor in the locality too. Just because one Christian came in the area, Salman’s intolerant ego forced him to shoot Nadeem and his mother-in-law. After spending a bit of time in hospital, Nadeem passed away succumbing to his injuries.


This isn’t new in Pakistan. Christians have been victimized prior to this incident too. Without any proofs, they have been burnt alive, and have also been massacred in the Shanti Nagar area of Karachi. Not only this, but since the last couple of years, Hindu girls are being abducted in the rural areas of Sindh by ‘Muslims’. They are not only being abducted, but girls as young as 14 years of age are being raped and forcefully married too. This ain’t the ‘Riyasat e Madinah’ that Imran Khan wanted to apply in Pakistan. And this ain’t Islam that these extremists are following religiously.

Islam has always taught one to be more loving and caring towards non-Muslims. What happens with them is for Allah to decide, not us people living on Earth. As someone said, “we are sinners judging sinners for sinning differently.”

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