The Positive Aspect of Coronavirus Lockdown

Amongst all the negativity that has spread around due to the lockdown and coronavirus outbreak. Here are few positive points we should look forward to.

The whole world is in a state of depression. People are dying all around the globe due to coronavirus. The economies are near to collapsing. Different governments are taking different actions to keep people at home. Not only is the government taking the virus outbreak and lockdown seriously, but also are the gangsters. Mafias and gangs in Brazil have strictly ordered people to stay at home. If caught outside, they might lose their hands or fingers, because the gangs might cut them off. However, it is easy said than done. Staying back at home isn’t an easy task. How many books can one read and how many movies/shows can one watch?

As much as lockdown, which is for our benefit only, is annoying us it is bringing positive change in the world. The lockdown has made people actually sit at home. Which means no factory is operating and very few cars are running on the road. That too, all around the world. Which means equally less or almost no one is polluting the environment. Not that it has a direct effect on the healing of Ozone Layer, but indirectly the lockdown has been a bit of help.

Furthermore, if we talk about the City of Lights, Karachi, we can surely see a change in atmosphere. From the starts in the sky to the air quality in the city, things are subtly changing due to lockdown. Moreover, pictures have been going viral on social media, which shows different spots of Karachi. Sea View, Karachi, has never been so clean, atleast in the last 25 years or so.


The world is moving towards positivism whereas the human health is depleting, all because of one cause. All we can do is hope this lockdown gets over soon and lives return back to normal.

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