The Rohingya Camps and Quarantine in Bangladesh

Many Muslims from Rohingya traveled to the outskirts of Bangladesh where they are living in camps. What if one them gets infected wt

Rohingyan Muslims have always been trough something or other. While living in their very own country, they faced tyranny from their very own government and their very own people. Many of them were killed, however, the world didn’t bat an eye on their miseries. To avoid all those risks, the people of Rohingya started moving to different countries and Bangladesh was one of them. Bangladesh opened up its border for those who wanted to seek safety in their country. However,  Bangladesh Government hasn’t let them in the country. Those migrated from Rohingya had to camp in the outer skirts of Bangladesh.

However, it is not about few thousands of Rohingyan Muslims. It is about millions of them living together. And neither do they have proper houses nor do they have proper facilities of living their lives. With almost no medication available, such people are most vulnerable to getting infected with the on-going coronavirus. And the sad part is that they still aren’t aware of what this virus is actually about. Mostly, due to lack of internet connections.

Community Leader, Sayed Ullah, says “Most of us don’t know what this disease is about. People have only heard it has killed a lot of people. We don’t have the internet to know what is happening, we are relying on the mercy of Allah”.

Australia-based Rohingya activist said “If they carry the virus and mingle with crowds, it would be another massacre. Massacre much bigger than what happened in 2017”.

However, UN volunteers have been working voluntarily, day and night in Bangladesh Camps. They are trying to keep people as much sanitized as they can. All we can hope and pray is that no one gets infected with Corona in the Rohingya Muslim Camps in Bangladesh.

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