The toxic nature of social media

Social media has been seen as having many benefits but the harsh comments regarding the Dua Mangi kidnapping case highlights its negative and toxic side.

While the horrific kidnapping case of Dua Mangi has shocked several residents across the country, it has also helped to highlight the toxic nature of social media. It has been noted that one of the biggest drawbacks of social media is that it gives rise to anonymity. This may be a positive as it allows one to be discreet. However, the anonymity provided by social media can allow people to say whatever they want without fearing the negative consequences of their action.

This was exactly exemplified by the horrendous and dreadful comments made by members of the general public about the entire Dua Mangi kidnapping case. The distasteful comments sought to blame the victim, claiming that it was her fault for walking in the middle of the night. Other comments stated that because she wore more western outfits and was walking with a boy in the night, the poor victim deserved what she got.

While the comments are quite spiteful, they are a common occurrence on social media in Pakistan. In the summer of this year, the highly popular Pakistani actress Ayesha Omer had made her Instagram account private after she received disparaging comments about some of the pictures, she uploaded of her summer trip to Ibiza.

Also, this summer, when Yasir Hussein proposed to Iqra Aziz, they were met with severe hostility for their public proposal and the public display of affection that followed afterwards. They were deemed as immoral and shameless by the masses. Another celebrity that had fallen victim to the toxic nature of social media comments was Ayeza Khan, who was lambasted online by the members of the public for being a ‘bad mother’ simply because she posted a picture of her two-year-old daughter as a mermaid.

These online incidents aim to highlight the issue of social media anonymity and how it leads to a toxic rise of people spewing hateful and mean comments online.

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