Trump to Make Limited Military Decisions

The Senate has reviewed Trump's say over war by US. Trump doesn't seem quite happy with this decision.

Donald Trump, The POTUS, has made many decisions that has led to unexpected results. Since his Presidency, not many have been satisfied by his methods and manners of ruling the entire world. There have been cases against him, making him the first US President to be impeached. Nevertheless, all these barriers never effected him in any way and he kept on taking decisions. Decisions that might have been beneficial at that moment. Although, it had uncertain consequences in the coming future. And that is what happened in Iraq.

The Senate, however, is taking a decision against Trump’s emotional decision making. Although, According to the Senate, it is neither about Trump or his Presidency. It is about him waging unwanted wars. While Trump and other presidents “must always have the ability to defend the United States from imminent attack, the executive power to initiate war stops there”, Kaine said. “An offensive war requires a congressional debate and vote.” Trump

To stop Trump from vetoing the decision, it is needed for two-thirds votes in the House and Republican-run Senate. Or else, Trump knows how to play his card and get out easily.

Trump and his supporters are of the believe that this might show Iran how weak America is getting. he said “What the American people and the entire world will see from the debate we’re about to have in the Senate is that there is abundant support for the United States taking tough positions with regard to Iran,” Lee said Wednesday. “And as part of that, we want to make sure that any military action that needs to be authorised is in fact properly authorised by Congress. That doesn’t show weakness. That shows strength.”’

It is yet to see what happens next.

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