Understanding Globalization and Bauman’s Liquidity

Understanding the concepts of globalization and liquidity is essential for one in today's world. Bauman's theory explains exactly that to us.

Globalization is known as a trans planetary process or processes involving increasing liquidity and growing multi-directional flows as well as the structures they encounter and create. In simpler words, it is the process of interaction and integration among individuals, firms, states, and governments.

The increase of globalization has given a rapid rise to technology and effective communication and consumption of particular products such as international trade etc. Globalization links cultures and international relations on various levels like economic, political, and social.

The history of globalization goes way back in time, to the Archaic times, the civilizations before 1600. Globalization is a means of interaction and integration; some form of globalization was present before the 1600s as well. The relationships between several communities and states and how it happened were through the geographical spread of ideas or cultures, and social norms are what was known as globalization back then.

The Silk Road was also known as a start to globalization as multiple states would interact with each other to exchange goods. Ever since then, globalization has evolved and prevailed to this date.

Moreover, Bauman’s idea of liquidity suggests that as globalization progresses, it gives rise to modernization. With the rapid increase in modernization, societies have become more or less liquid. By liquid, Bauman means that during traditional times economies used to have a set of concrete values, cultures, or social norms.

However, with the increase in modernity and globalization- modernity now is more self-referring. Individuals are allowed to shape themselves as they’d like or choose a version of themselves that they may deem best due to the progress of globalization and modernization of societies.

In traditional society or modernity, individuals were raised and expected to meet a specific set of values or norms, and to be “modern,” they needed to conform. However, now that the “melting of solids” (Values in this case) has occurred, we are free to choose whichever pathway we’d like, and there is no stop modernity one must consistently keep improving/ shaping themselves alongside globalization.

Global liquidity came into existence by the increase and development of globalization itself. As the world progressed and moved on to more advanced methods, it left behind traditional “solid” values or terms for a more liquid life.

By solid or solidity, Bauman refers to being immobile, unable to adapt, and limited to specific traditional values or norms. With the rise of global liquidity or globalization- people, forces, or industries all over the world have become more flexible. Such as they’re more mobile, readily able to communicate, travel, and adapt to changes, they have the power to shape their lives according to their wants and the world right now.

The forces driving global liquidity are the forces of globalization, technology, modernity, and economic growth.

Characteristics of Liquidity

There are several characteristics of liquidity, which are as follows:

  • The liquid does not have a fixed shape; it cannot contain one particular shape for too long, and it changes according to the situation or circumstances.
  • It is not fixed or penned down, whether in space or in time.
  • The most crucial characteristic of liquidity is time; the concept of liquidity does not wait for anyone; time can make or destroy the said person/business/state.
  • Liquid phenomena cannot be restricted, limited, or stopped at all. The entire point of liquidity is to flow through any or all barriers. One cannot limit the activities of foreign trade, financial transactions, or the exchange or drugs; it is inevitable and will happen one way or another.

The only logical way to confine or maintain liquidity is by creating some form of solidity. A solid barrier may be able to put a temporary block for liquidity or may be able to slow it down. However, given the 4th characteristic of liquidity, it just cannot be contained or restricted; a solid phenomenon may be able to slow down the process of liquidity temporarily. However, it will eventually pass through it, given its nature and characteristics. Hence, globalization has given rise to liquidity.

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