Were the People of Peshawar Worthy of BRT?

TransPeshawar is a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System, for people to travel across the city in less than an hour. However, people exploited the whole thing, which shows the lack of basic ethics in people living there.

Pakistan, being a third world country, tries hard to meet the standards of living in the country. No matter how much time it takes, each and every government tries to bring in something new for the people. However, people keep on criticizing the government, regardless of what they do for their people. Recently, China Port was open for the people of Karachi. People went there, and they literally ruined the whole place. With ‘paan’ spit all around, and litter thrown on rocks and in water, the place was ruined for everyone. Now, the same happened with BRT Peshawar.

Where Imran Khan invested billions of rupees in BRT, people ruined the whole system. In the very first week, people tore seats and more than advised people climbed on the bus. This shows how unworthy we people of Pakistan are. Honestly, people don’t deserve good things in the country. Where on one hand we blame politicians for unease in the country, there, on the other hand, we should also blame ourselves for many things.

We, people of Pakistan, have proved ourselves to be uneducated and unworthy people. Hence, when we get good things, our actions show the worst side of us. If only, for once, we could help ourselves to be good citizens. There shouldn’t have been a need to install security. Especially. on services being provided to the citizens. Citizens should have been responsible enough by now. Those involved should be punished and should be claimed for money. For the damages they did to BRT and to the track there. If they won’t be caught today, others would do the same thing tomorrow. God knows, what would be the future of Pakistan. But if people like them don’t change, I am sure, it’s not going to be good.

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