Yet Another Rape Case in Pakistan, Apparently

New day, new child becomes a victim of sexual abuse in Pakistan. This incident took place in Lahore's Nawab Town Area on Sunday.

Where we blame ‘Yahoodis’ & their ‘ Sazish’ for everything, there we never look at our own wrongdoings. What we are getting is a reflection of what we do in the society. It has been seen in the Islami history, that societies were turned upside down because of the sins they committed. We live in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, yet perform quite the opposite of what we are known as. ‘Islamists’. What has become common nowadays is not accepted morally, socially, ethically, religiously, or legally. Rape and forced sex, have always been as the most inhuman act ever. And killing, on top of that is simply barbarous. However, few people in Pakistan are more sadist than we can imagine.

On Sunday, a 10-years old boy went out with his cousin to buy some utensils. On that particular shop being closed, his cousin returned back, however, this minor kept on searching other shops. As the minor didn’t return back, his parents started searching for him. His body was later found in an under-construction building. According to sources, he was taken there are was raped, while being strangled, later on, on intentions of being killed.


The reports however have not been received yet and those are just speculations at the moment. However, the Police and locals are quite sure this is the case. Rape is unacceptable. If this is a rape case, the rapist should be found and hanged to death, as that is the least such people deserve.

May the kid rest in peace and the killer is found as soon as possible. Amen,

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