5 Best Desserts in K-town

As we all know dessert goes straight to the heart. Desserts are that part of your meal which are served to satisfy your sweet tooth. It would be utterly selfish of us not to share the 5 best desserts is K-Town.

Ferrero Rocher Pancakes at Café Cosmopolitan

These Ferrero rocher pancakes are a solid yes for all pancake lovers. It truly feels like a taste of heaven, super fluffy, so rich, so divine and so perfect. These pancakes are love in every bite.

Price : Rs.580/-

Del Frio’s freshly baked chocolate chip cookie with Ice cream

If you’re a cookie lover then you should try it out. They are super soft and chewy with the perfect amount of chocolate chips.

Price: Rs.390/-

Choco-Berry Waffle Sundae at Lal’s

You will gain few pounds just by looking at this deliciousness. They are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, they are so yummy and yes best choice for breakfast.

Price: Rs.425/-

Karamel Desserts’ cookies

Cookies make the world a better place specially when they’re from Karamel. Their Triple Choc Chunky Cookie is truly a taste of heaven. It is the mix of three different chocolates: white, milk and semi sweet.

Price: Rs.170/-

Super Sonic Super Fudge Sundae at Hotspot

Love at first sight is so so real. This thing at Hotspot is so yummy, it has layers of different chocolates. So, if you’re having some serious sundae cravings then you know where to go.

Price: Rs.550/-

By Naina Adwani