Shocking Crime: Bank Manager Murders Customer Over 57 Lac Rupees

The silence of the reputable bank in the wake of the tragedy has raised significant concerns.

Muhammad Ibrahim, 40 years old, a resident of Parachinar, KPK, met a tragic end at the hands of an officer from a reputable bank.

The elderly man visited a local branch to deposit his hard-earned savings, roughly amounting to Rs. 57 Lacs, sent by his overseas brothers.

Upon arriving at the bank to open an account, Ibrahim was asked by the Sales Officer, Syed Imran, to come to his house to sign Zakat forms to complete the formalities.

However, he fell victim to a brutal attack by the officer, who shot him, resulting in his death. He later deposited the cash into his personal account.

Hours later, after an agonizing search, his family and law enforcement authorities discovered through the CCTV, that the man had gone with the officer. His lifeless body was found at the Sales Officer’s residence.

Shockingly, the Officer, Syed Imran, has admitted to committing the heinous crime, driven by greed.

The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with many pointing fingers at the bank for failing to prevent this tragedy and demanding justice for Muhammad Ibrahim. The hashtag #justiceformuhammadibrahim has gained momentum online and the family is demanding justice.

Despite the uproar, the bank has yet to issue a statement regarding the incident.