Diabetes Awareness Month: What Is Diabetes? And its Symptoms

Diabetes awareness month is November and a lot of the people out there don't know what it really is. So here is kind of a crash course on the basics.

Diabetes is not just about not eating sugar, there is much more to it. Around 422 million people globally suffer from this chronic disease and around 1.5 million deaths are caused by it annually.

Generally, when you eat, the food you have is broken down into glucose and released into your bloodstream. After this, your blood sugar increases and this is when the body signals your pancreas to release insulin to balance your blood sugar. So the insulin turns the blood sugar into energy for a person to use to function properly.

In diabetes, the pancreas either doesn’t make insulin at all, doesn’t make enough insulin, or is unable to use the insulin made by the pancreas. This is why there are different kinds of diabetes and different treatments for it. There are three types: type 1, type 2, and Gestational Diabetes.

People with type one use insulin because the body altogether stops making insulin or doesn’t make enough. And in type 2, blood sugar can be controlled by certain medicines as this variant is when the body isn’t able to use the insulin well and keep the blood sugar in a normal range. Around 90 to 95% of people have type 2. Gestational Diabetes happens during pregnancy and ends after it however the mom will be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later on and the baby might have health issues along with obesity.

If you have any of these symptoms, you need to get yourself tested for Diabetes:

  • if lately, you have been feeling thirstier and/or hungrier than usual.
  • if you have been urinating a lot.
  • if you have been feeling tired lately.
  • if you have been getting more infections.
  • if you have been having dry skin lately without any apparent reason like winter season or a pre-existing condition.
  • if you have lost a lot of weight without trying.
  • your hands and feet are tingling or numb constantly.
  • if you have blurry vision constantly.
  • your sores and injuries are healing late.

With type 1, you will be able to observe the symptoms easily however in type 2 it is harder to notice and many people don’t even know they have diabetes. With gestational diabetes, pregnant women will be checked or should ask to be checked for diabetes during 24 to 28th week.

There is yet no cure for diabetes however taking medicine or insulin, being active, and eating healthy can really help control the blood sugar. The whole month of November is dedicated to Diabetes as its Awareness Month.

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