Facebook’s new panel can overrule Zuckerberg

Facebook's new independent board to monitor social media content

Social media giant Facebook is said to be establishing an independent oversight board. This panel would be focusing on content material moderation.

Mark Zuckerberg claims that “the board’s decision will be binding, even if I or anyone at Facebook disagrees with it.” This means that the panel would have the authority to even overrule Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook.

An independent trust will be created, which will serve as a means of funding for the panel so as to avoid members from being influenced by other company executives.

The said ‘constitution’ for this panel is a 9 page document, and will consist of 40 members. After consultation from about 88 countries, Facebook opened up nominations for positions of this panel.

This initiative was pushed forward due to the audience of the social media site pushing for monitoring of the content. It is sometimes such that there is abusive, manipulative content as well as hoaxes circulating online. This panel is set to filter such content, all the while maintaining the freedom of expression aspect.


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