Fashion Live organizes “Bloggers Meet and Greet” powered by Bio Derma

Fashion Live, a subsidiary of ThunderBolt Media, organized the Bloggers Meet and Greet powered by BioDerma. This meetup intended to put a spotlight on skincare and the overall skin health in this pollution ridden world. Other than bringing all the bloggers and influencers on one platform, this meet and greet discussed multiple ways through which the overall lifestyle can be improvised.

Fashion Live Meet & Greet focused on skin care; where all the MUAs and bloggers shared their skin care routine, experience with multiple products that they have used, and tried & tested ways through which they improved their beauty regimen. The discussions were followed by an informative yet fun Q&A session, where everyone participated in giving the best answers to increase each other’s knowledge and obviously to win an awesome BioDerma gift hamper.

Team Fashion Live hosted the event and urged everyone to maintain a radiant and beautiful skin by focusing on products that value skin, especially BioDerma. BioDerma also presented their brand story and gave a complete product descriptions of what they offer and how their products help achieve a spotless skin. The impeccable skincare brand also facilitated everyone with an activity through which all the attendees were able to gauge their skin types, and were provided with free consultancy through which they got to know about the specific products that suit their skin.

The event ended on a high spirit with all the Bloggers, MUAs and influencers singing off on a good and positive note.