Govt. Lacks Management Amidst Corona Outbreak

Out of many pilgrims who were sent home from quarantine, many have been reported as positive for the virus after they were sent home.

Cases after cases are being reported from all parts of Pakistan. The most of the cases up till now are from Punjab. Where on one hand, the government of Punjab isn’t taking serious measure, there on the other hand, the citizens, too, aren’t cooperating. And this is leading towards more and more cases in Punjab. In Sindh, the situation is under control at the moment, but even then, there are several cases being reported from Sindh. Regardless of how people are behaving, the government had to make measures to stop the virus from spreading. The doctors are putting their lives at risk 24/7 to fight corona. However, Govt. isn’t doing enough for them.

There are different areas all over the country, where Doctors have gone on a strike. Why? Because the government isn’t providing them enough protective goods. Clothes or products, that can prevent the from catching the virus. These Doctors are working day and night 24/7, but what is the Govt. doing for them? They are not even providing them with safety kits. And then if these Doctors go on a strike, the police is ordered to beat them with sticks. Why would someone work in such ill conditions? They too, like every other person, have a family back at home. And they too, care about those around them, whom they love. They wouldn’t jeopardize their safety.

Atleast, the Govt. should look after those Doctors who are putting their lives at risk. The officials should distribute safety equipment in different hospitals. Moreover, they should also be looking after those who are working in different Quarantine Centers. The Govt. should know, if Doctors start rebelling, they would have no where to go.

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