How to Be Pro At Zero Waste Lifestyle

Zero-waste lifestyle is not easy to adapt to but it is the need of the hour. Hence, here are a few easy tips to help you kickstart this journey!

Sometimes, it becomes expensive to buy food items in recyclable packaging or changing your bamboo toothbrushes and combs every other month. We all know how challenging it is to be flawless at zero waste. Of course, you cannot adopt a zero-waste lifestyle overnight, and neither did I.

Actually, when I first started to adapt to the zero-waste lifestyle, thinking that I can easily take over this but soon it got me tangled into countless thoughts like what about the wrappers from food items or what I will do with the cosmetic wipes which I use almost every day or how much it cost if I will buy from bulk stores or the cost of beeswax paper which is used instead of cling paper.

Now I am all sort out by following a few simple tips and sharing these with you to become environmentally friendly in no time and without losing your fortune.

“Refuse what you do not need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest.” — Bea Johnson

1. Use Reusable Shopping Bags:

Carry tote bags whenever you go shopping for groceries and clothes as well. They come in such pretty designs and colors that who would not like to carry them. By the way, these tote bags make my grocery shopping more enjoyable. I never miss a chance of using it. You can keep it in your car trunk or your purse as well. They come so in handy.

2. Avoid Cling Wrapped Produce:

In your next grocery shopping, avoid buying vegetables wrapped in plastic. You will wash your produce items when you get back home anyway, so there is no use for single-use plastic. For smaller items, like mushrooms, berries, or spinach, opt for a recyclable package.

3. Buy from local shops:

Eating from the farmers’ market is the same as eating from your kitchen garden. Secondly, it gives you a broader selection and a chance of having seasonal fruits. And an additional benefit of empowering your local economy.

4. Recycle your Glass Jars and Containers:

Next time you eat Nutella, do not throw away the jar or any food item that comes in a glass container, save those, and use to store your lentils, spice, pasta, etc. Or you can also use it for decoration. Just fill it with water and put some flowers in it.

5. Prepare your shopping list:

Not everyone likes food prepping but adopting it is a good habit. Trust me, it saves you a lot of time. Jot down all your needs and wants, and I am talking about clothes as well, before your next shopping trip. Purposeful shopping does not end up wasting money and getting up things that you do not need.


Sustaining is not something you can achieve in a day, but maintaining this habit will pay off in the long run. We cannot get rid of our waste from our routines, but we can do our best and encourage others in time. As you follow these habits, you will see yourself thriving and contributing less to greenhouse gas emissions. Be imaginative and find out in what ways you can be sustainable without spending a penny.

By Aruba Azeem
A business student, cat-lover and want to share some amazing experiences with the world.

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