Is The Drama Couple ‘Amir-Faryal’ Back Together Once Again?

The boxer Amir Khan and his Fashionista wife Faryal Makhdoom have taken place in most of our Newsfeeds with their decisions to part ways and then reconciliation. While Amir has strongly enforced that the duo is never getting back together, Faryal is still hinting to something different and we are a lot confused.

After taking a whole day with she-said and he-said, now Faryal has tweeted again and has left us flabbergasted. After the set of tweets, more tweets, and deleted tweets, this one has stayed and hints at a possible patch-up.

Is The Drama Couple ‘Amir-Faryal’ Back Together Once Again?

As you can see in the tweet, she addressed to the issue which led to the possible divorce. It was Amir’s childish misunderstanding that she was dating Joshua. The boxer took this to Twitter, but the allegation was soon upturned by the other boxer himself. Soon after Faryal taking her stance to Twitter, Amir once again came back to the micro-blogging platform with a hint of remorse and guilt for partying with other women.

Is The Drama Couple ‘Amir-Faryal’ Back Together Once Again?

Though we can sense that Amir regrets what he has done, but there is still no apology on his behalf. After this tweet, he came up with another one clearing up things with Joshua:

Is The Drama Couple ‘Amir-Faryal’ Back Together Once Again?

Just when we started thinking that the divorce is off, this man had another thing to add to his compiling list of confused tweets:

Is The Drama Couple ‘Amir-Faryal’ Back Together Once Again?

Ok. We got it. You don’t want to stay with Faryal anymore? Right? When we were about to wrap our heads on the reality that the boxer does not wish to stay together with his wife, came another shock. Any guesses? This controversial boxer once again deleted this tweet. Only God or this couple knows whatever is happening! We certainly have no idea how much more publicity they want out of this possible separation.