Is the Term ‘Love You’ Overused?

Once considered sacred, the phrase 'love you', seems to have been so overused now that we simply say it unconsciously and meaninglessly.

In contemporary society, it has become common to use meaningful phrases to the extent to which they start losing their value. ‘I love you’ is one of those once-sacred phrases that is easily tossed around. Unfortunately, this has caused it to fall into oblivion.

Is the Term 'Love You' Overused? - Runway Pakistan

Gen Z has even abbreviated those three precious words into “ily” – which is casually dropped at the end of any text. ‘I love you’ in its truest essence, can be interpreted differently depending on who you are saying it to. When you say it to your family members, per se, the connotation differs from when you say it to your friend or significant other.

‘I love you’ – although a complex phrase whose definition is beyond the scope of this piece- essentially means you value and admire the other person’s strengths, flaws and entire human existence.
The more we say it without purpose, the phrase loses its significance.

We must preserve and honour parts of our lives that are sacred. For most people, these parts are their relationships with their families, closest friends and partners- and/or all other relationships that are our safe haven. Herein, it is expedient to say that, these people who nurture and wholly care for us, deserve something more meaningful, intentional and significant rather than something casual that is thrown around without its true meaning- like an ‘I love you’.

Nevertheless, there is no denying that the phrase just works differently for everyone and carries a different meaning for each individual.

However, everyone knows how an ‘I love you’ really feels when it comes straight from the heart. It’s an overwhelming feeling which can make you feel warm inside or cause a jolt of excitement etc. depending on the individual. So why allow something as sacred as these three words to fall into oblivion when we can preserve them for genuine moments.

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