Its Timen To Act on World Diabetes Day

Diabetes is a cause for many health problems and so many people all over the world are suffering from it on a regular basis. How often do you hear about older members of your family suffering from diabetes? I am sure the answer to that would be “very often” because every other person around us is going through it. It has become extremely common and it’s time someone does something about it.

The best way to fight diabetes is by creating awareness. A good diabetes management can reduce your risks for diabetes complications. Worlds Diabetes Day is dedicated towards creating awareness and making a change in this world. Did you know that diabetes causes more deaths in a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined? By spreading awareness you get a chance to save the life of your loved ones!

Diabetes nearly doubles the chances of heart attack. It’s time to gear up and change the lifestyle that will help us endure a healthy future.

Waseem Akram is on board with the #ItsTimeToAct movement, are you?