Leonardo Is Cooking up a Plan to Save the World

We need more superheroes like Leonardo DiCaprio.

Oscar winning blue eyed boy has a plan to save the world. He is joining forces with Steve Jobs’ widow Laurene Powell Jobs and another billionaire investor, Brian Seth. Together they are forming an Earth Alliance, which will be a nonprofit environmental powerhouse which will be working towards tackling and reducing the harmful climate change.

Leonardo DiCaprio already was running an environmental charity by the name The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which is working actively towards changing and improving the environment. From mangroves restoration to lion recovery, The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has given out grants of up to $100m in order to help the environment and make Earth a better place.

In a statement, The Earth Alliance said that it:

will work globally to protect ecosystems and wildlife, ensure climate justice, support renewable energy and secure indigenous rights to the benefit of all life on Earth.

In the statement, DiCaprio called Earth Alliance a

“new larger, nimble platform that shares resources and expertise while identifying the best programs to drive real change around the planet.”

Leonardo DiCaprio has stood out for many awareness campaigns and is working with very actively to improve the environmental conditions. Powell Jobs, widow of former Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs, is a philanthropist and entrepreneur and president of the Emerson Collective, a social impact organization.