My Review on Two Unique Reads This Month…

Charles Bukowski’s LOVE IS A DOG FROM HELL

Well, with a title like this, you know you’re not going to be disappointed. Even if you hate Bukowski, you must admit that he’s an original. I enjoy his poems to the core as they’re brutally honest & lovely in their grotesqueness.

Ever felt like there was no one for you, nothing and no one who could hold your existence? As if you were drifting through life-going from person to person, place to place, job to job? Read this- it might wake you up. And make you feel a lot less lonely. This collection is wonderful. Sure it isn’t for the faint of heart, but Bukowski really does prove that poetry comes in all shapes & sizes. Devastatingly, shatteringly beautiful.

A lot of his words are oddly prophetic – “‘your poems about the girls will still be around 50 years from now when the girls are gone,’ my editor phones me.” This collection was first released in 1977, the year that Elvis died and the first Star Wars film came out.

About Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski was a German-born American poet, novelist and short story writer. His writing was influenced by the social, cultural and economic ambience of his home city of Los Angeles. It is marked by an emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women and the drudgery of work. Bukowski wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories and six novels, eventually publishing over sixty books.


Osho’s BLISS – Living Beyond Happiness & Misery

Each one of us is in a quest to find happiness, says Osho, but since we are searching for it in the wrong places – outside us that is – no one tends to actually find it as true happiness & pure bliss can only be found inside our being, by learning how to of dis–identify with the mind and external forces.

This book reflects on the ancient wisdom of the Shiva Sutras and elaborates as to how it could be applied in our lives. These sutras will defy your notions about how life should be spent, revealing how bliss is already hidden within the waking, dreaming and sleeping states we all experience daily.

Osho here teaches us how to detach from the desires and attachments of the mind that trap us all in one or the other through our lives and how being human only happens when we free ourselves and exit for this vicious circle.

About Osho

One of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teachers of the twentieth century, Osho challenges categorization – reflecting everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. His books are not written but are transcribed from recordings of extemporaneous talks given over a period of thirty-five years.

Osho has been described by the Sunday Times in London as one of the ‘1000 Makers of the 20th Century’ and by Sunday Mid-Day in India as one of the ten people—along with Gandhi, Nehru and Buddha—who have changed the destiny of India. Osho has a stated aim of helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being, characterized as ‘Zorba the Buddha’—one whose feet are firmly on the ground, yet whose hands can touch the stars.

Running like a thread through all aspects of Osho is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of the East and the highest potential of Western science and technology. Known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, the influence of his teachings continues to grow, reaching seekers of all ages in virtually every country of the world.

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