Punjab Government: 20% Decrease in School Fees

Punjab Government, under the direction of Chief Minister Buzdar, has announced that during the period of April and May 2020, the school fee in private schools of the province is to be decreased by 20%.

Punjab Government, under the direction of Chief Minister Buzdar, has announced that during the period of April and May 2020, the school fee in private schools of the province is to be decreased by 20%. However, the Parents Action Committee (PAC) and schools rejected it.

PAC had a meeting with Punjab’s School Education Minister Murad Raas, in which he announced the concession. The former, however, were of the opinion that the meeting was inconclusive.

Punjab Government’s representative Murad Raas further stated that no other provincial government had taken any measure about fee concession in their province. In his tweet, he posted that all private schools administration were directed to only demand one month fee.

Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar also uploaded a video on Twitter to inform the people of Government’s decision of decreasing school fees. He stated that no employee should lose his/her job.

PAC Reaction to the School Fee Reduction

The PAC members in their video message said Mr Raas had called a meeting with them but did not discuss anything with them and announced concession on his own. They said it was a ‘failed’ negotiation and the minister had called them for a ‘photo session’ and “we reject 20% concession in tuition fee.”

The committee demanded that the government first implement the Supreme Court order – that was given last year – about fee cut because the government was yet to determine fee first and later give 20% concession on the remaining fee.

Private Schools Association Rejects Decrease in School Fee

Private School Association President Zofran Elahi said 80% of the private schools cannot afford any concession in fee and the administrations also did not have any bank balance to pay salaries of the teachers and rent of buildings of the schools. He further claimed that recently three schools were closed in Islamabad. “We cannot give fee concession as we have already reduced the fee on the orders of the Supreme Court,” he said.

“The government should also announce 20% cut in salaries and rent of the buildings or subsidy for the schools,” he said. He also stated the government was taking measures without knowing about ground realities and checking facts.


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