Rawalpindi: Couple arrested for raping and filming 45 girls

A couple in Rawalpindi had been arrested for heinous crime of kidnapping, raping, filming explicit videos and blackmailing 45 girls.

A couple was arrested on 17th of August, 2019, in Rawalpindi. They were identified as Qasim Jahangir and Kiran Mehmood, allegedly arrested on account of kidnapping, raping, filming and blackmailing dozens of girls.

Muhammad Faisal Rana, City Police Office (CPO), reported that an action was taken as soon as a complaint was filed on 3rd August by a victim, an M.Sc. student of Allama Iqbal Open University. According to the victim who filed the complaint, she was abducted from outside of Gordon College by a woman who claimed to be a fellow student.

She told the victim that she was waiting for her brother, who is coming to pick her up. After a few minutes, a man in grey car stopped and the victim was pushed by the woman inside the vehicle. The car had black curtains drawn and the victim was threatened with a knife in order to silence her.

She was then taken to a house in Gulistan Colony where the husband allegedly raped her, while the wife, took pictures and filmed the crime taking place. Further the victim was blackmailed by showing her explicit sexual video and was dropped at Tipu Road later that night.

According to the victim’s complaint, the couple admitted to have raped several girls between the ages of 7-12. On arrest, the couple confessed to the raping of 45 girls, taking pictures and inappropriate filming of at least ten girls.

Photographs and video clips from the accused were recovered. They had sold the pictures and videos to an International porn site. Authorities had also confiscated the car and the phone along with other evidence from the house and was sent to Punjab Forensics Science Agency.

“The wife has been sent to Adiala jail on judicial remand by the court while the husband is in police custody on physical remand,” CPO Rana added. The police were also directed by the CPO to identify the victims in photos and videos and to file separate complaints for each and everyone of the victim.

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