Russia’s Undeclared Nuclear Accident: ‘The Ring of Five’

A group of scientist have found evidence of a crucial nuclear accident that went undisclosed in Russia

In 2017, a group of scientist ‘Ring of Five’, detected ‘an unprecedented release’ of radiation in the atmosphere of Europe and Asia.

At that time, no country took the responsibilities for it. Now, the new study by the scientist of ‘Ring of Five’ associated it to a nuclear accident that took place in Russia’s Mayak Nuclear Facility. In July, this group of scientist released a study detailing evidence  of an undeclared nuclear accident that may have taken place two years ago.

Russias nuclear accident- runway PakistanAccording to the scientists, most likely the Mayak Facility in Russia might be the culprit. As the facility was once the center of the Soviet nuclear-weapons program. In 2017, when allegedly the accident took place, Russian officials said that the facility wasn’t the source, even though the nation showed elevated levels of a radio-active isotope.

Instead, they attributed the radiations to an artificial satellite, that allegedly burned up in the atmosphere. But, the latest study by the ‘Ring of Five’ contradicts the previous statements. Their new research traced the source to an area called Southern Urals in Russia. The scientist have figured that the rays came form a nuclear reprocessing facility.

Georg Steinhauser, a professor at University of Hanover in Germany with one of the study’s lead author, suggested that the place is most likely the origin because of the largest nuclear reprocessing facility in the area.

This facility was the site of the world’s third-most nuclear accident, the 1957 Kyshtym Explosion; behind Chernobyl and Fukushima. After the Chernobyl disaster when the radioactive rays went spiraling across Europe in 1980, the scientist in the ‘Ring of Five’ expanded their efforts by enlisting the help of other nations.

The determined levels of radioactive materials in the atmosphere doesn’t pose any danger to the environment or human health. Only concerns of the scientist are whether the population near the facility ingested any radiation and that it could’ve leaked into the soil and water.

The scientists are hopeful the Russia would have to come and admit to the mistakes so that it could get help in making the nuclear power safer than it was before.

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