Shaheen-II’s Successful Launch

Amidst of all the economic tensions with dollar rising rapidly, each and every day, Pakistan tested its new missile, Shaheen-II. Here are the overviews

With an expenditure of around $11bn on the military budget for Pakistan, the civilians of
Pakistan seek protection from their army and from their security personnel. Spending money on missiles and rockets and arms in Pakistan is worth the expenditure, as whatever we develop in terms of air drops or surface-to-surface, are usually successful and brilliantly made.

On Thursday, 23rd May 2019, according to ISPR, Pakistan has conducted a successful training launch of Shaheen-II missile, a surface-to-surface ballistic missile, made by Pakistan. According to the army’s media wing “Shaheen-II is a highly capable missile which fully meets Pakistan’s strategic needs towards maintenance of desired deterrence stability in the region”

The engineers and scientists were congratulated by the Chief of Staff Committee, which were further extended to President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan. Here is what Major Asif Ghafoor had to say about this: