The Tortured Student from Cadet College Larkana Is Back On His Feet Again

Just about a year ago, 14-year-old Muhammad Ahmed Hussain Mashori was tortured to the point that he was left without any senses intact and paralyzed. The student of the Larkana Cadet College, who was tortured by his teachers was left in a local hospital bed, fighting to gain consciousness and his senses while his father cried in front of the public.

The unfortunate boy’s father knocked on every door possible to accumulate funds or to take help from some NGO or Government to send his son abroad for aid. But, there is a good news now. Muhammad Ahmed has fully recovered within a span of nine months, changing his entire appearance from what he had become to a boy who has a lot of faith and courage.

The Tortured Student from Cadet College Larkana Is Back On His Feet Again
Source: Metronome

The government had sanctioned an order, due to which he was sent to USA with his father and a team of doctors. Just a day ago, the beautiful boy touched down in the country once again and is back on his feet again. Clad in blue shirt, Ahmed exited the airport with a huge, warming smile and the flag of Pakistan.

The Tortured Student from Cadet College Larkana Is Back On His Feet Again
Source: Metronome

Our hearts are elated with joy to see a boy who was tormented to the core, so healthy and happy again. His father had revealed that Ahmed had the desire to join Pakistan Army and serve his country for greater good, and there is no doubt that this new life that he been bestowed with the chance to fulfil his dreams. It is due to the government’s timely intervention for once that he was able to walk back again and get a hold of his mental state.

There is still a question as to what happened to the heartless and cruel authorities of Larkana Cadet College. As far as we had been informed with, no action had been taken against the perpetrators who had the nerves to damage and shook the entire life of a child. All we can do is expect that the law enforcement authorities will remember that the case should be reopened with Ahmed’s return to his motherland.