This Face mask for Oily Skin is All You Ever Wanted

Oily Skin is an agony for many. For people like me, who are constantly juggling to remove excessive dirt and oil from face would definitely find it a blessing to come across something that may help us in getting rid of grime.

But, worry no more! Because when we say we are here to help, we definitely are! This facemask is going to put an end to your excessive oil and would give you fresh and shining skin like you never had.


With summers already in bloom across the country, finding bananas is no worry. Just with the help of banana face mask, you can easily soothe your oily skin. Here is how to make it:


1 Banana (fully ripen)

Honey (1 Tbsp.)

1 Orange or Lemon


In order to make this mask, you can simply take a ripe banana or keep it in freezer to be ripened. Thaw it completely, mash it and add honey to it. You can also blend them for more effective results. Now add some drops of lemon or orange.

Once you have complete solidified the mixture into one, apply it on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse it with a cool or steaming washcloth. Once you are done, you can also moisturize your face for extra benefits.