Tribune Forecasts Future

Is Tribune The New Simpsons?

The TV show Simpsons have a record of accurately predicting the future and seems like our friends from Tribune have received the same gift. I woke up this morning reading the daily news and stumbled upon an article about the happenings and details of The Birds of Sindh exhibition which i was planning to attend on the 12th and 13th of July as per the invite. My first thought was upsetting on how i missed the event that i was so excited for. For the benefit of the doubt i rechecked the invite and the date realizing that i had in fact not missed the event at all.

Here is the original invite

And the article I read this morning from tribune :

Statements of UNICEF Chief Financial Officer Christina Brugiolo and Sindh Wildlife Department Conservator Javed Ahmed Mahar were also released


The article published on July 10th whereas the event is to be held on July 12th-13th

In short I thank Tribune for the reminder and will be attending the exhibition on Friday 12th July.