United Nations to Reconsider Kashmir Issue

Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, visited many countries amid the rising tensions between Iran & US. He also visited UNSC to discuss over Kashmir Issue.

As to diffuse all the tension after Soleimani’s killing, Pakistan is trying to play its small part. FM Qureshi was on a tour, where he met officials in Tehran and Riyadh. He then went to United Nation Security Council’s Head Office in New York. With a back door discussion on Kashmir, Qureshi was able to bring back the issue on table. Kashmir has been under action for long, but all misery was left unseen at the end of the day. However, this meeting did bring back some hope for Kashmiris. UNSC considered the issue as a legitimate one and might work on it too.

According to Qureshi, this was all being asked for, since 5th August 2019. “In view of the seriousness of the situation and the risk of further escalation, our Permanent Representative was instructed to request the [UNSC] to give immediate consideration to the situation in occupied Kashmir. China echoed our request”. China has been helping out Pakistan since the beginning of this issue. Unlike other countries, China has also raised voice in the United Nations against Kashmir atrocities. According to Chinese Ambassador in the meeting “The issue of India and Pakistan is always on the agenda of the Security Council, recently, we have also seen some tensions.”

Still and all, the action should have been taken long time ago. The creation of United Nations was for a purpose, which was to stop wars. Even then, Kashmiris have to go through all this, and UN still was kind of blindfolded. We hope things go well for both the countries. Also, a result comes up that is legitimate for the Kashmiris, themselves.

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