Ushna Shah calls out Pakistani dramas for promoting cousin marriages

The actress makes her stance firm with regards to this issue

Ushna Shah has taken to Twitter to make her stance clear on the current state of Pakistani television dramas.

In her latest tweet, the actress stated that Pakistani dramas should stop promoting cousin marriages. She believes that the glorification of such dramas cause health problems in children.

Ushna Shah mentioned some of the health issues that arises due to cousin marriages such as thalassemia.

Cousin marriages have long been a thorny issue in Pakistan. Amongst the progressive element of society, the arrangement is seen in a negative manner.

Many believe that such arrangements are highly archaic and detrimental to societal health. However, the more conservative elements of society do not see no harm in such relationships.

They believe that attempts to stigmatize cousin marriage as “westernization”. Regardless, this does not stop our celebrities from voicing their opinion.


Not to long ago, Ali Gul Pir made a song titled “Cousin Dhazan”. The single takes a dig at the issue of cousin marriages and claims how it puts both parties involved in an awkward position.

That is due to the fact that these two parties grew up as cousins and now have to live the rest of their lives as spouses.

While Ushna Shah’s statement might polarize opinions on social media, we non the less, commend her for making a bold statement on such a controversial and sensitive issue.

We hope that in the future, more celebs take a stronger and firm stance on such important topics.

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