Why Are People So Intervening

The controversy surrounding Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mirza highlights a problem in our society; the intervening behviour of people in other people's lives.

The recent controversy surrounding Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mirza’s Instagram post has once again highlighted a major problem in our society. That is the lack of respect for people’s privacy. The controversy highlighted this issue on a greater level.

In a country like Pakistan, people tend to force their opinions and views on how other people try to live their lives. They condemn others for the personal choices they make even though it might be someone’s personal matter. People in Pakistan are in general very nosy and highly intervening. It is this sort of mentality that makes Pakistan such an intolerant society.

Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mirza’s P.D.A in Rome sparked outrage in Pakistan. (Source: Dawn)


We lack the basic etiquette of being respectful of other people’s privacy and the choices that they make. We have a nasty habit of being extremely intrusive and dictating how other people should live their life. The controversy surrounding Sarwat Gilani and Fahad Mirza is not the only sort of incident that highlights people’s behaviour of unnecessary intervention.

People’s intervening behaviour was quite noticeable during the whole Yasir Hussain and Iqra Aziz controversy last summer. People were quick to make judgments about the couple’s actions even though the couple’s actions had zero impact on their lives.

Yasir Hussain and Iqra Aziz’s public proposal sparked major backlash across the country. (Source: Geo)


The issue is not just related to celebrities or other public personalities. An average Pakistani is also not spared from this constant meddling by other people into their personal lives. The constant nagging by other people about the type of dress you wear, where you are going and who you are dating can be quite irritating for many. What makes matters worst is the constant barrage of criticism that people tend to face for their actions or decisions.

If as a society we want to progress, then we need to be more progressive in our mindset. This means being respectful other people’s decisions and not being so intervening. We must not dictate how others choose to live their lives or the decisions that they make for themselves.

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