Why is Cyberbullying So Easy?

Internet, a medium that should help us and ease our hardships is being used for all the wrong reasons. It's also one of the reasons why cyberbullying prevails.

Pakistan is a country where there is law and order but hardly anyone follows it. I’m aware that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but over here it’s a little different. If we talk about cyberbullying, there are many authorities who look after laws being broken on social media. There are such authorities present in Pakistan as well.

Accessing the Internet has become so easy and almost everyone has access to it. But there are still no defined rules regarding what’s wrong, right and illegal. People can stay anonymous and do whatever they want. Bullying, harassment, and mental torture have become crimes that can be committed very easily. Anonymity makes it easier for the perpetrator to escape.

Catching them is actually not that hard if the authorities try, but the main problem is reporting the crime. There are many kids using social media websites which they aren’t supposed to, making it harder for them to report is any mishap occurs.

I can say this openly because of my personal experience. Back when I was in my early teens, I had gotten myself tangled into a cyberbullying situation which had affected my life a lot. It was so extreme to the point where I could not function properly as it affected me deeply. It that situation, I can say that I was helpless as I had to be 18+ in order to even report the crime. Desi parents rarely go the extra mile and report something of this sort which would cause dishonor to the family name.

The sad truth is that many kids and even grown-up people have to face these battles alone. Even if someone reports such bullying and harassment cases, there’s hardly any luck with perpetrators being caught and justice being served. It’s not taken seriously as many would believe that there are bigger problems in the world than some cyberbullying, but what they don’t understand that if it happens to someone in their early teens, then it affects how they grow up. The trauma stays there for a long time until one has moved on and forgotten it.

The healing process depends on how you cope with trauma. I was going through severe social anxiety and panic attacks. I didn’t feel like going out of the house for months. It also had occurred due to lack of support from family during that situation. Hence, it had become this weird mess that I had to get out of using different strategies.

Celebrities have to face the most cyberbullying because being under the limelight will always bring positive and negative comments, which at times become way too harsh. People often hide behind screens and give bad remarks to others because of their own insecurities.

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