World Food Day is celebrated each year around the globe on 16 October out of appreciation for the date of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is praised generally by numerous different associations worried about nourishment security, including the World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

World Food Day is seen over the globe incorporating Pakistan with a plan to highlight issues of destitution and appetite. Different workshops and occasions are to be orchestrated on this day by common society, Health Departments and Agriculture Department across Pakistan.

The human body needs proper food to maintain. Without food, nobody can survive. Our body can’t endure without nourishment for over three weeks. Today denotes the World Food Day and the theme of this current year is “Our actions are our future. A zero hunger world by 2030 is possible.” Sadly, around 820 million individuals around the globe are undernourished, according to the latest FAO 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report.

This day is an open door for individuals to declare their commitment to annihilate hunger around the world. Occasions with respect to this day are for spreading awareness about those who experience hunger worldwide and to encourage activities to guarantee nourishment security and nutritious weight control plans for all.

#ZeroHunger implies cooperating to guarantee everybody, all over the place, approaches the sheltered, sound and nutritious food they require. To accomplish it, we should embrace a more sustainable way of life, work with others, share our insight and help improve the world.

Zero Hunger moves past compromise and financial development, adopting the long haul strategy to fabricate tranquil, comprehensive social orders.

Have a look at the theme of #WFD2018 video, an inspiring action for #ZeroHunger!

Celebrate World Food Day and eradicate world hunger!