Jump Rope: Skipping For a Healthier You

We have tried all the latest and the greatest diets and exercises, why not step back and enjoy melting off the fat by jumping rope ?

Let’s face it, There are all kinds of advanced exercises and mechanisms which have cropped up in the recent decades which are supposed to the “One-stop Solution” for all your physical needs. Buy this, Do that, implement all those variations, and voila! Instant chiseled physique of the Gods. However, not every regimen is the right regimen, and not all exercises are going to be cost-effective for a regular person. Not only that, perhaps you are the kind of person who doesn’t get enough time to get in gear, go all the way to the gym, and pant and sweat your calories out. It is time to go back to a simpler time.  By which I mean, amongst others, using Jump ropes!

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Now, you may be wondering, what is simply jumping around with a Rope of Plastic or Nylon going to be any better for my Health?

Read on further, and become convinced otherwise.

Jump Rope is the Perfect HIIT Tool

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is a methodology designed focusing on increasing your heart rate high as early as possible and keeping it high as possible for the period of time the exercises are followed. It is a known fact that HIIT burns fat faster than your regular steady-state exercises and regimens and has been known to burn away fat faster as compared to others.

With the Jump Rope, you can shift from the intensities that your body is acclimatizing to almost immediately. From a casual basic jump to sprinting at max levels is literally a skip or two away.

Jump Ropes Activates Multiple Muscle Engagement:

For all those who have done Jump ropes before, they may be surprised to know that there is a science to the simple act of jumping as well. While a regular jump rope is a great start for creating stamina, generating rhythm, and losing weight, there are multiple kinds of jump ropes that target the body differently. The Heavy Jump ropes, an alternate rope which is far heavier and hence is able to affect the body differently. Check out the photo below to see the difference.

Jump Rope, Skipping Rope, Exercise, Weight Loss
Regular Jump Ropes Vs Heavy Ropes: The Comparison Courtesy:  Crossrope.com

Improved Mental Sharpness

Jump rope, as beautifully simple as a concept as you can call it, requires you to focus. Your thoughts cannot wander for too long before you feel the rope becoming stuck between your legs, or hitting your toes or scraping your shins.  This constant focus allows your mind to adapt to these changes. It becomes almost second nature for your mind to keep track of where your feet are. What that means is your mind is constantly doing micro calculations of the speeds, the direction, the distance, and the position by which the feet will be moving in relation to the rope.

We all need a mental metabolism boost. Why not have fun while getting our shots?

Speaking of which…

You Will Not Get Bored.

There are multiple types of variations that exist while jumping rope. So, is no way that a person can get bored. There are so many tricks to attempt and master! from a simple sidestep to the more challenging double-under and beyond, how can you not want to learn them? Think you have mastered a move? Push yourself to break personal records and challenge your friends to do the same.

One of our favorite past times of our yesteryears is coming back strong. It is high time we listen to our inner child and start jumping again. What better way to reconnect to our past, our present and our future by simply… Jumping rope?

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Runway Pakistan is committed to providing a lifestyle magazine that focuses on variety more than just glamour. Covering a diverse range; from fashion to entertainment, to sports and health & fitness, business to lifestyle, and much more. Our print magazine named Billboard Pakistan and online publication as Runway Pakistan binds our expertise in social media, content development, publication, and production.
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