Bilal Khan Informs Everyone That He Isn’t Dead. Umm Okay!

Bilal Khan is very much alive, healthy and the same handsome person we think of him to be. If you are one of those people who thought he was dead, even if such sane people exist these days, then the fully ALIVE Bilal Khan has contradicted it. Well, he isn’t to be put into bars here, as a newspaper published a fake news claiming that Khan is one of those celebrities who is no longer with us.

A local newspaper 92 News published an article on Pakistani artists who were on a peek of their careers, but their deaths unfortunately stole them away from us. Among Nazi Hassan (2000) and Amjad Sabri (2016), was also present Bilal Khan (2010) in all its glory. But, something that should be mentioned here is that a “BILAL KHAN” definitely died but a wrong picture had been put up with his name.

The famous actors Bilal Khan passed away in 2010, so instead of his picture the newspaper published our very own Bachana singer’s photo. And, as so you can already guess, the Khan who is alive isn’t delighted to know that.

We have an explanation for why 92 News must have done this, but let’s take a look at what Twitterati has to say:

Some commented just to get fun:

Others definitely supported him:

While some were demanding proofs of his existence:

Well, the actual point here is that while 92 News must have been very careful in their investigation, the Wikipedia page of the LATE Bilal Khan supports their case. The web page of the late actor houses the pictures of the singer, which means that they must have supposed that these are the pictures of the deceased actor and did not do thorough checking of the fact.