Fiery Fitness Trainers to Watch Out for in Year 2020

New workout techniques to teach but exceptionally effective too!

Karachi has been great lately in the sphere of fitness as more and more people are taking their health and the importance of movement seriously with keen interest in becoming a better version of themselves, with each passing day. Luckily enough, to cater to this splurge of fitness enthusiasm, Karachi has also produced some ace trainers bringing to the forefront their knowledge to help others achieve their goals. The constant challenge however the new crop of trainers face is to keep reinventing the wheel in order to maintain the interest of their clients as they have an array of workout styles to choose from.

In the same breathe, Runway highlights four fiery, fitness trainers to watch out for in year 2020 who not only have all new workout techniques to teach but exceptionally effective too!


Instagram @aerial_stardust

USP: Hoop Aerial

Faith is an Aerial Hoop Instructor at MUV KDA, Karachi, and a member and performer with Wahab Shah Dance Company. She also teaches Classical Ballet to young children and loves sharing her passion with the next generation of dancers. She is a qualified Aerial Fitness Instructor, Performing Artist, and Dance Teacher. Her technical dance training includes: Classical Ballet, Lyrical, Contemporary, and Latin Dance Styles, developing form, poise, posture and flexibility for beginners through advanced students.

Faith has brought Aerial Hoop to Karachi. Aerial Hoop, also known as Lyra, is a beautiful art form and a fun way to keep fit! It is a full body workout that improves flexibility, overall strength, coordination, body awareness, balance and grace.

Looking for a way to express her emotions, while at the same time building strength, Faith began learning Aerial Hoop in May, 2013. She qualified as an instructor in March 2015 and opened her own aerial fitness gym in the Philippines in 2017. She has now moved to Pakistan to share this amazing gymnastic art locally.

Faith says, “Aerial Hoop allows me to achieve what I never thought I could possibly do. It’s an exhilarating experience, giving me a powerful sense of achievement, and I would like to share the same sense of empowerment with others. Lyra gives expression to my emotions in a creative and beautiful way. With each class, you will feel stronger, more confident, and amazed at what your body is capable of. It’s easy to get started, and once you’ve mastered one move, you’ll be eager to learn the next one!”


Instagram @bawbarzz

USP: Calisthenics

Gul is another phenomenal trainer at Muv Base, introducing Calisthenics to Karachi with a bang and by far has been the most popular class among men & women alike since it got rolling! We personally know people who has achieved immense levels of strength and developed some serious musculature in as little as three weeks of training under Gul and keep getting rave compliments for their physique on and off. No kidding!

Calisthenics happened to Gul six years ago when he could only manage five pushups in one go himself, leave alone pullups. People told him back then how it’s a lost cause – “training with your bodyweight won’t get you anywhere” but he didn’t waste time in being bogged down by all that negativity around him and stuck to his own, well knowing Calisthenics practiced with consistency will reap him noteworthy benefits. Calisthenics is essentially using bodyweight exercises; pull-ups, push-ups, squat etc. to build an incredible looking body while also gaining a tremendous amount of strength.

“As a kid I was often made fun off by my classmates for how slow and weak I was.  By the time I hit my teens, I became conscious about how I looked with my shirt off, as they say ‘look good naked’ is the real test! However, with all the mixed information around, I was confused about how to get myself in shape. Discovering this incredibly rewarding and fun form of exercising my whole body in integration changed it for good. Calisthenics guy for life!” shared Gul.


Instagram @toobasanawarali

USP: HIIT & Diet Planning

Tooba is a young girl who met the fitness trainer within as she embarked on the journey of losing 23 kilos in a span of 6 months and gaining strength herself over the course of last five years. She took to the method of cross-fit along with high intensity interval training to shred unwanted fat comparatively faster.

Tooba started her career with the pioneers of fitness bootcamp – The 42 Day Challenge ad since then has created many success stories of people benefiting bigtime from her training method. She completed various fitness-centric internships & seminars with Mr. James Largey from FLF Performance center, UK. That enabled Tooba to really grasp prospective clientele’s psychological perspective when it comes to their fitness and nutritional routines. She also earned a certification from Precision Nutrition Online.

Tooba then thought of offering all her knowledge and wisdom via one authentic platform and that’s how her newly opened fitness studio – Escale came into being to bring about noticeable positive changes in the lifestyle, health and fitness levels of her clientele. Escale has come up with a range of group classes and personal training choices. From HIIT & Strength Camp, Yoga, Pilates and Bollywood Dance Cardio to Kickboxing and Calisthenics – Escale is all set to be the next hot spot for fitness enthusiasts in town.


USP: Bollywood Dance and Pilates

Instagram @fatmakq

“I have been dancing since age 2 and practicing Pilates since 2005”, she gleefully shared. After a lifetime of choreographing dance sequences for various public & private events all through her late teens and twenties, earning a preliminary certification in Yoga from Colombo and leading some Pilates workshops in Dubai, Fatma finally took to teaching Mat Pilates & Meditation a year or so ago at various ace studios of Karachi, alongside offering one-on-one home-training.

Come 2020, what she offers differently and with an all-new superbly interesting spin are the surefire result-driven combos, as follows:

Yogalates = Fusion of Yoga Cardio, Mat Pilates and Meditation

  • Teaching as of now at Karachi Ladies Club and Escale
  • What you take from this class is aerobic conditioning, release of toxins, core strengthening, sculpting of the midriff, glutes & legs especially, and supreme relaxation, fresh & positive mindset

Bolly Pilates Burn = Interval Workout – Alternating Between with Fast Paced Dance and Mat Pilates

  • Teaching as of now at Escale
  • What you take from this class is fat burning, high metabolic rate hours after class, core strengthening, toning of overall body shape and an unmistakable happy mood

Class 2020 = Mix of Weight Training, Dance Cardio, Mat Pilates and Hatha Yoga

  • Starting at Platinum Fitness
  • What you take from this class is all that you need from a fitness routine as it incorporates the best of both aerobic and anaerobic movement – endurance and leaning out i.e
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