Leisure Leagues National Championship

Check out Leisure Leagues Pakistan's National Championship which will be held on 28th of July 2019

Leisure Leagues came to Pakistan in the year 2016 and revamped the whole idea of football in the country. They are present in over 77 cities in Pakistan alone. They are the largest 5, 6 & 7-A side football league supplier in the UK and have brought their legacy to Pakistan where they provide grounds and encourage everyone to play. These games are regulated by the International Socca Federation and Leisure Leagues are a registered part of ISF.

Under the regulation of ISF, they conduct several matches in a week and almost 10,000 players participate. All these players either play to compete or just to kill some time and have fun. People from all walks of life and all ages are welcomed to join these matches and play on a weekly basis.

Leisure Leagues Pakistan will be hosting a National Championship this Sunday i.e 28th of July where teams that have won all the matches will compete with each other and only one team will win. The winning team will then compete with another team in the final championship match that will be held in Greece later this year.


The efforts of Leisure Leagues Pakistan need to be brought to light. They have been working tirelessly to bring football to the surface and make it an enjoyable sport that anyone can play.

Visit their website:
