Pakistan Expects Foreign Investments in Tourism Sector

Pakistani government is offering tax holidays to foreign investors in tourism sector in a effort to attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)

The government of Pakistan has planned to invite foreign investment in to the country for establishing tourism zones in potential Northern Areas, Galiat, Swat, Hazara Region, Gilgit Baltistan, and several other tourism zones.

Board of Investment Chairman, Zubair Gilani said, “Huge foreign investment was expected in tourism sector as government was focusing on building this sector on priority basis.” And that the government of Pakistan intends to diversify tourism by exploiting its various sectors.

He further added, ” Priority of the government is to boost tourism of diverse fields including religious and faith, adventure, medical and education tourism to promote soft image of the country at international level”.

Pakistan is offering tax holidays- runway pakistanAccording to Zubair Gilani, the government would ensure provision of all modern facilities in order to provide secure environment to all tourists. It would also empower local communities through engaging  them in business activities.

The Chairman BOI said that the government would educate and train the locals and people there so that they can work at potential tourists centres and to make them valuable employees. This will also share and promote the concept of prosperity.

Gilani stated, ” Promoting tourism culture through Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the government was working on World Bank’s (WB) ‘Ease of doing Business “index, which had  improved from 148 to 136  out of totals 180 countries across the globe.” And with the promotion of SMEs culture in tourism, it would play huge role for development of all sort of tourism activities for increasing economic activities in these areas.

Pakistan is offering tax holidays- runway pakistanAs stated by the Chairman BOI, her enlightened taht through knowledge-based business and exports “we can promote Pakistan’s hi-tech and innovative export items in competitive international market”

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