PITH-In Conversation With Sajid Dadabhoy

Need to amp up your household? Well look no further, we’ve found a one-stop shop for you!

Sajid Dadabhoy, creative director and owner at PITH is a man of many talents, this is clearly evident from the product range present in his store, situated at the prime location of Bukhari Commercial.

From furniture, clothing, trays to even cushion covers- this place has it all! It is a definite go-to spot if you want to find a valuable gift for a loved one or, even just a statement piece for your own household or wardrobe collection.

In Conversation with the man himself, Sajid Dadabhoy:

What made you come up with PITH, how did it originate?

When you’re building a house you’re looking here and there to come up with different ideas for the interior, the furnishing. This is how the plan to create PITH originated.I went further on to travel, there was a certain kind of furniture I liked and began to wonder why don’t we work on making it here. It was all in all, an evolutionary process. It has now been four years to PITH and more to come.

Could you tell us about the history of PITH and its theme?

PITH started off as a venture that I imported some furniture out of interest;A certain kind of furniture rI shared it with the architects in Karachi and they said this kind of furniture is not available here and it would be interesting to see how these products sell in this market.
Alongside this, I had in mind that I wanted to create a platform where people who had interesting home décor products but had no platform to showcase them, pith would provide them with a platform to sell their product, like a multi-brand furniture shop. I thought if we are doing house projects, why not sell them outdoor furniture, I made some furniture locally and imported other products and then began to venture out into this. When we imported products, I was liking stuff on the walls and tables. We have to depict an entire picture, then we began to seek who else can we get when we didn’t find any brands which we feel we could add in we became creating them from scratch.

Your pieces range from furniture to decorative pieces and even clothing, why such a large variety of things rather than specializing in a particular area?

We’ve been known to be eclectic in our range of product, sometimes I feel a certain niche in certain areas. In clothing I saw a niche, the pieces of clothing present here, rarely make Pakistan stand out and depict patriotism. It’s not like we’ll produce the products in bulk, we produced a certain amount and saw how it worked out and how the response was. New products, new opportunities new possibilities of partnerships excite us to expand our product range. It opens up new avenues. It’s not necessary we sell all the products, maybe we sell something else because of venturing out into a certain product category. We like to explore it doesn’t mean we are always making a profit, and we are fine with that.

Who are your main competitors in the market?

In our category, which is home décor we compete with almost everyone, Khaadi Habitt.Our product is much more exclusive then what many other brands have to offer and hence our price point justifies that. There is exclusivity in all our products. Statement pieces are something we produce which are distinctive from the rest of our competitors. A lot of things besides the digital art, are one of a kind.

What’s the thought process that goes behind making a product?

The main motive, our drawings inspiration is that we have to be different. Sometimes you just cannot be cheap, a product has its own cost, which justifies the price point. But keeping that in mind we are still not exorbitant or outrageously expensive. We try keeping it fairly nominal.

What is your target audience?

We have priced certain things in certain categories, broadly. Upper class and Upper Middle class is our target audience. Sometimes we do have sales in which the prices are extremely reasonable for a large chunk of the audience.

What do you feel are your hot selling items?

Trays and coasters are one of our top selling items, they are quite the favorite with buyers. They are an ideal gift option too.

Why did you choose Bukhari as your store location?

Bukhari is very up and coming. All the brands are present here, from those focusing on the interior to the kitchen, Master Celeste,JB saeed, Interwood. This is an ideal location.

What are you planning to venture onto next, in order to expand your brands reach?

Our next concentration is online, the digital market. We are planning to venture into Lahore as well, maybe through some partner vendors. Its all in the works.

What digital mediums is your brand present on?

Instagram and Facebook. I feel the Instore sales we receive are more than online.

Do you target foreigners with your product range?

Every once in a while we are called to embassies in order to exhibit our collection. In this region, we participate in British Bazar, French bazar,SAARC. However, we don’t actively target them overseas.

Are there any antique-age counterparts present in your product range?

Certain products have a craft that belongs to a specific technique adopted by a  certain family background. Such as Swati furniture. We make all our products in-house.

What is your favorite piece you have produced?

My favorite pieces keep on changing with time as we keep producing more products, but usually, the products with steel and wood are my personal favorites

Give an example of when you thought of the box; Could you pinpoint a product which is the result of this?

Most of our products have been a result of out-of-the-box thinking.

What are the future prospects you have in mind in regards to PITH?

We are doing accent pieces till now, we are not fully furnishing homes but we are thinking to engage certain designers and they will work within those lines for the product. We have to keep evolving, improving our product range in order to better our brand, but still remain true to our core values. We are hip, affordable and want to provide quality products to our consumers.