Workout Routines That You Can Do From Your Home

While the gym is the go to place for workouts, many have decided to workout from home. Here are some of the best workout routines you can do from home.

Workout has become an integral part of most people’s daily routine. For many, they start their day going to the gym before leaving for work.

However, it is often difficult for people to take out time from their schedule to go out and exercise. This has resulted in many working out in their homes.

Home workouts were quite common but became more popular during the lockdown. It has since become a normal part of one’s routine with many preferring it over going to the gym.

As this trend continues to thrive in popularity, we highlight some of the best home workout routines.

1) Push Ups

The best home workout routines

This is perhaps the most basic exercise that is fit for any beginner. The exercise in itself helps strengthen multiple muscle groups in your body from shoulder to back muscles.

The best way to perform this exercise is to put your body in a downward position with your shoulders wide apart.  Keep your back straight and chest should be an inch away from the ground. Then use your arms to lift yourself up.

Do at least three sets of twenty each day to help your build up your body.

2) Skipping 

The best home workout routines

Jumping ropes is the best form of cardio exercise there is. Using a rope that you flick around your body and jumping before the rope hits your leg, this type of cardio has many benefits.

These include increasing agility, improving heart rates, strengthening bone density and improving coordination. For beginners, do at least three sets of thirty jumps to help your body and muscles get use to the routine.

3) Crunches

The best home workout routines

Mostly used for building abdominal muscles, this workout has numerous other advantages. These include increasing body flexibility, bone density and assists in burning calories.

The way to do this exercise is to be on your back with your arms behind your head. Your knees should be bent. Using the force of your back, one must pull themselves towards their knees.

Do at least three sets of twenty to in order to help your body get used to the exercise.

4) Planks

The best home workout routines

Great for your back, arm and leg muscles, planks are a pretty easy type of exercise for any person to do. They also help improve body posture and balance.

To do this exercise, you put your body in a push up position with your body being off the ground. The only part used to keep your body off the ground are your arms and toes. Keep yourself up for thirty seconds (if your a beginner) for five rounds each to help yourself get use to the exercise.

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